E thehiloe ka 2006, Setsi sa Lipatlisiso se Bohareng se entsoe ka litsi tse supileng tse kholo tse mabapi le lihlahisoa le theknoloji, ho kenyelletsa le "Institute of Materials and Molding Engineering, Institute of Intelligent Green Surface Engineering, Institute of Water Purification Science, Institute of Green Coating Engineering, Institute of Livable Air, Institute of Healthy Kitchen le Bathroom, le Institute of Intelligent Manufacturing Engineering".E boetse e na le "Technology R&D Joint Laboratory".E khannoa ke 'maraka, Central Research Institute e shebane le lipatlisiso le nts'etsopele le ntlafatso ea mahlale a macha, lits'ebetso tse ncha le lihlahisoa tse ncha, joalo ka lisebelisoa, boenjiniere ba holim'a metsi, tlhoekiso ea metsi, moea o ka phelang, ntlo eohle e phetseng hantle le e bohlale K&B, lisebelisoa tse bohlale, le taolo e bohlale ea elektronike.Ho ananela lejoe la sekhutlo la botala, bohlale le ts'ireletso ea tikoloho, motheo oa bophelo bo botle, bohlale le boleng, matla a susumetsang a mekhoa e mecha e ikemetseng, le ts'ehetso ea sethala sa tlhahiso ea R&D, Setsi sa Lipatlisiso se ntlafatsa le ho kopanya lisebelisoa ho hlokomela ts'ebetso e felletseng ea botala, bohlale le boleng bo phahameng ba Sehlopha.
Ho theosa le lilemo, Setsi sa Lipatlisiso se Bohareng se entse projeke e le 'ngoe ea naha ea toche le merero e fetang leshome ea mmuso ea saense le thekenoloji, 'me se hapile likhau tse ngata tsa patent ea theknoloji le likhau tsa ntlafatso ea theknoloji ea indasteri tse fanoeng ke makala a mahlale le thekenoloji.
Ho nka ts'ebetso le ho boptjoa ha thepa ea polymer le lisebelisoa tsa tsona tse kopaneng e le e 'ngoe ea bokhoni ba mantlha, le litlhoko tsa nts'etsopele ea ts'ireletso ea tikoloho le indasteri e ncha ea theknoloji e le mokhoa, Setsi sa Lintho le Boenjiniere ba Moulding se na le bokhoni ba ho etsa lipatlisiso le ts'ebeliso ea lisebelisoa tsa profeshenale. , 'me e amana haufi-ufi le phekolo ea holim'a metsi le theknoloji e bohlale, e theha tsamaiso e feletseng ea theknoloji e nang le litšobotsi tsa indasteri.
Ka mohopolo oa ho tebisa "tala le bophelo bo botle" thekenoloji ea kalafo ea tikoloho, Setsi sa Intelligent Green Surface Engineering, hammoho le theknoloji ea ho bopa ea li-substrates tse fapaneng tsa lihlahisoa, se theha bokhoni ba mantlha ba mahlale a kalafo a botala bakeng sa Sehlopha ka ho sebelisa. lisebelisoa tse bohlale tsa boiketsetso le lisebelisoa tsa tlhahlobo le tlhahlobo, hammoho le lits'ebetso tsa ho hloekisa metsi a litšila tse tala le tikoloho tse ka hlokomelang paballo ea matla le phokotso ea mosi, esita le ho se ntše letho.
Ho latela sepheo sa "polokeho, boipuso le taolo" le mohopolo oa "tsoelopele, tlhahiso e bohlale, kopanyo le tsamaiso", Institute of Intelligent Manufacturing Engineering e na le ts'ebeletso e le 'ngoe bakeng sa kaho e bohlale ea feme ea dijithale ho tloha tlhahiso e se nang letho, tlhahiso. moralo oa likhoele, moralo oa lisebelisoa tse bohlale le R&D, ho isa kahong ea tlhaiso-leseling ea indasteri le moralo oa feme, 'me e hlokomela tlhahiso ea boleng ba thekenoloji ho tsoa ho boqapi ba theknoloji.
Ka bokhoni ba thekenoloji ea ts'ebetso ea litšepe tse mebala-bala e bolokang tikoloho e le mokhoa, Setsi sa Green Coating Engineering se tsitlallela hore khamphani ke eona e etelletseng pele sebopeho sa sehlahisoa e le motheo oa eona.Ka ho etsa lipatlisiso le nts'etsopele ea mahlale a macha, lits'ebetso tse ncha, lisebelisoa tse ncha le lihlahisoa tse ncha, Setsi se fihlela tlhahiso ea tšilafalo ea zero nakong ea kalafo ea bokaholimo, se khothaletsa ntlafatso ea liindasteri tsa mahlale a setso, 'me se aha bokhoni ba mantlha ba thekenoloji ea kalafo ea botala, e ntlafatsang. tlholisano ea mantlha bakeng sa khoebo.
E susumetsoa ke indasteri ea lisebelisoa tsa tlhoekiso ea metsi, Setsi sa Saense ea Tlhoekiso ea Metsi se fana ka litharollo tse hlophisehileng, tse phutholohileng le tse sebetsang tsa tlhoekiso ea metsi bakeng sa lihlahisoa tsa tlhoekiso ea metsi, e leng motheo oa tlholisano ea mantlha ea k'hamphani le sistimi e etellang pele ea tlhoekiso ho tloha mehloling ho isa ho bareki ba ho qetela, 'me fana ka likhothaletso tse lebelletsoeng pele le tsa tekheniki bakeng sa maano le maqheka a k'hamphani.
Ho nka lihlahisoa tsa tlhoekiso ea moea o hloekileng e le mokhoa, Setsi sa Moea o ka Phelang se etella pele mehopolo e mecha le litsela tse ncha sebakeng sa phefumoloho e phetseng hantle, 'me se tšehetsa nts'etsopele ea tlhoekiso ea moea le moea oa Sehlopha ka tšebelisano-'moho ea kantle le lipatlisiso tse ikemetseng le nts'etsopele.
Ho qala ka tšebeliso ea metsi a phetseng hantle, boiphihlelo bo botle, paballo ea matla a matala le taolo e bohlale, Setsi sa Kichene sa Bophelo bo Botle le Bathroom se kopanya lisebelisoa tse phetseng hantle, tse tala, tse bolokang matla, tse bohlale le litharollo tsa lihlahisoa tsa K&B tse phetseng hantle ho hlokomela bohlale ba lihlahisoa tsa K&B le ho kopana. litlhoko tsa bophelo bo botle le tse bolokang metsi tsa lihlahisoa tsa kichine le lishaoara.